Hello everybody, want to give an update on some work and projects that's currently in the mix and also my experience up here in Kentucky coaching. First, i'm finishing up a media guide for Cleveland High Football, in Cleveland, TN.I've also just completed a publication for Lee University's Summer Honors.
I'm doing some logo work for PPS Orthotic and Prosthetic Services, and doing some contract work and non-profit work for various clients. Finally i get back to sketching here's a sketch of a raider and horse i'll be using for a project...

As far as coaching...it's been a wild week, getting to know the kids, trying to lead them in a positive direction with school,wrestling,and lives. but they are a fun group of guys to coach. i think if we can get them focusing towards a specific goal we will do something great here!
Other than that...My Vols lost! not a good start to the season...and my 10 yr. high school reunion might be sometime this year..ahhh those were the days! :)
Take it easy, Peace out