What's up everyone, It's that time of the year again, when you meet relatives and friends, catch with old times, and gorge yourself till you can't eat anymore. That's an American Thanksgiving, and I can't wait! Besides my apparent addiction to food, I want give a quick update on projects coming up.First of all Pioneer Credit Company, here in Cleveland, has had a web redesign courtesy of Langfordesign. go to pioneercredit.net. I've gotten some new freelance work designing packaging and catalogs for a trading card company. I've been working on a couple of banners for a basketball team and a university. I'm still working with Advanced Photographic Solutions on their website. At the pace it's going right now, it'll take a good 2-3 months. I've come in contact with a new client called Gaia Sports. I'm designing some apparel for their marketing and sales division. And i'm doing a shirt design for a Swimming team here in Cleveland, TN. So, work has been consistent, but it's slowing down a bit. I would like to start working on my self-promotion and client acquistion for the new year.
I'll try my best to start doing this, but i'm posting a shirt design that i'm working on, and if you could give me a comment on which one you like. It's a two-color design on red shirts. The client wanted a rocker/santa/swimmer girl, it's for a swimming camp. Tell me what you think...
Also, my wife will be graduating from Lee University this fall. It's been hectic and crazy but she finally made it! Also my kid, Ish, has started his basketball season, he plays for Cleveland High School, in Cleveland, TN. Right now he's averaging 15 ppg. 2 assists and 2 steals a game, on a bad note he's avg. 4 turnovers per game. But he'll cut the turnovers down sooner or later...I hope.
Hello, everyone, or anybody that's really not doing nothing for the moment. I'm putting up an old illustration I did for a news paper here in Cleveland, TN. It was an editorial cartoon.
Other news: I'm about to boycott the YMCA for their response to a racially charged act. A lifeguard hung a noose, and it was later reported to a African-American worker there. The Bradley County NAACP is doing a press release today regarding the situation. The YMCA has declined to comment on anything and refused to do a press announcement with the NAACP. To make it even more odd, the actual article was in the back of the paper and pretty well hidden. I have a lot of friends that work and workout there at the Y, of all nationalities, and i will not pay my membership to an organization that will try to sweep this under the rug. I love to play basketball there and workout, but I can find somewhere else to play.